Friday, April 17, 2009

Why this page is here, and why you should read it.

Generally, I am not the biggest fan of the whole "launch post" thing. The truth is, there is almost always a lot of work, and a history of good work, behind any new launch. To mark it with one post that says "This is the start" seems a little disingenuous.

So why are we here now? Well, the truth is that one good thing a launch post is good for is letting folks know what you are all about and why they should care.

We at CinemaLink are all about the exhibition film industry. We love it. We love films. We love theaters. We love technicians. We love old equipment. We love new equipment. Simply put, we love Cinema.

We've been working in the vintage cinema equipment area for a long time, crawling into abandoned old buildings and through all manner of dust and vermin to rescue precious artifacts from the golden age of cinema growth. It's a rewarding area of the industry because it really brings home the personal connection that movie goers have to not just the films but the theaters and the people that make them a reality.

Everyone has a personal story of how that theater impacted their life, or a special time they had with a special person at a film. And they should, and we should encourage that feeling.

We believe that a healthy cinema industry is vital to the health of our shared culture.

We believe that as the cinema industry evolves, the tools to promote it must evolve as well.

This brings us to CinemaLink, and what precisely it is that we do. Essentially, we are leading the industry in modernizing the methods through which cinemas and cinema suppliers sell equipment and promote themselves. The days of word of mouth and newspaper clippings will never completely come to a close, and that's a good thing! The industry is built on personal relationships, and we are all better for it.

However, there is also an amazing opportunity to modernize and update the cinema industry, bringing it inline with today's digital marketplace.

If you have new or used cinema equipment you want to sell, let us help you.

If you want to utilize modern marketing techniques like twitter, facebook, blogging, or online marketplaces, to help you sell and promote yourselves, let us help you.

We already like you. Now we want to help. We want to talk about you to all of the other folks who love this industry. We want to increase your stability by increasing your sales.

Let's get started.

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